
Launching Reckoning: Our Beautiful Reward

Event news: I’ll be reading at the online launch for Reckoning: Our Beautiful Reward, the special issue around bodily autonomy, on March 19th.

There are going to be draws, readings, book giveaways, and a few chances to not just talk about bodily autonomy, but organize around it. I’ll be reading “fertile week”, and the lineup of readers looks smart, thoughtful, and well worth hearing.

Straight-up: This is not going to be an emotionally easy evening for those of us affected by the past few years of this issue, but I think it’s going to be a fiercely rewarding one.


A reviewing residency at Carousel

Carousel Magazine is doing something fun with their reviews section this year: a series of one-month takeovers by reviewers in residence, who’ll turn out one longform review, two short, and shed a little light on how critical practice works.

I’m going to be the Reviewer in Residence in May, and we’re going to hit an interactive fiction/video game trilogy, Canadian climate fiction, and either animal poetry or surrealist prose (haven’t made the final decision yet!).

This is shaping up to be bunches of fun, so tune in starting March!


A climate fiction talk at Notre Dame

The first public event of 2023 is coming up fast: A panel and discussion about climate fiction and the ecopoetics journal Reckoning next Wednesday, February 8th at the University of Notre Dame!

I’ll be there as Reckoning 5 poetry editor, alongside publisher Michael J. DeLuca, Our Beautiful Reward editor Catherine Rockwood, and Reckoning 7 poetry editor Tim Fab-Eme.

The event runs from 7:30pm onward, and since it’s my first in-person appearance since 2020, I’d love to see people there.


“Sunday in the Park with Hank” is Locus-recommended

Stuck my head above the freezing cold ground this morning, and behold: “Sunday in the Park with Hank”, the terribly experimental 1920s New York ghost story I had in The Deadlands last July, has made the Locus Magazine Recommended Reading List.

So: that’s cool. 🙂 Congrats to everyone!


The white squirrel hits print

A new poem’s hitting print: “white squirrel season again,” which is unsurprisingly a very Toronto-centric piece, is in the new issue of Canthius alongside work from some excellent writers.

You can pre-order the issue now, or pick up a subscription for a little less than the cost of two. It’s perfect-bound, and just a really physically gorgeous journal.


The 2022 publications

The out-of-office is up, there’s a storm coming in, and it’s close enough to the end of the year to call it a day, so: this was 2022 in publications.

Short Fiction
“Sunday in the Park with Hank” in The Deadlands issue 15, July 2022.

“Local Leopards” in Qwerty Magazine, Winter 2021.
“Better Attitudes to Pleasure” and “Vestige” in Prairie Fire: A Canadian Magazine of New Writing, Winter 2021-22.
“Breaking Horses” in Grain, Spring 2022.
“fertile week” in Reckoning: Our Beautiful Reward, November 2022.

“An Archive or a Heart: A Review of Isaac Fellman’s Dead Collections”, Plenitude Magazine, September 24, 2022.

Story reviewer, Imagine 2200 climate fiction contest.

2022 Utopia Award for Anthology/Collection, (Reckoning 5, as editor with CĂ©cile Cristofari).

2023 is already rearing its head, like it does in this line of work: there’ll be a new poetry in January, and a reviewing residency sometime in spring or summer.

Happy holidays, and see you next year!


Reckoning wins Utopia Awards

Reckoning 5 took home four awards — from seven nominations — at the inaugural Utopia Awards: including Best Anthology, for CĂ©cile and I as editors.

The winning pieces include:

Priya Chand’s “On the Destruction and Restoration of Habitats” for Best Non-Fiction;

Oyedotun Damilola Muees’s “All We Have Left is Ourselves” for Best Short Story;

Remi Skytterstad’s “A Song Born” for Best Novelette.

Needless to say, I’m thrilled for everyone. This project’s been so much more than the sum of its parts, and it’s wonderful to see it recognized out in the wider world.

Congrats to all the nominees and winners!


“Sunday in the Park with Hank” goes live

Sunday in the Park with Hank“– the experimental short story about 1920s New York, what makes distance and intimacy, and everybody’s ghosts coming along on picnic dates — is in this month’s issue of The Deadlands.

It’s in some great company, both fiction- and poetry-wise; the whole issue’s available for subscribers now, and will be released piece by piece online through the month.


Poems about horses

The Spring 2022 issue of Grain is out, and it’s got “Breaking Horses” in it: the piece about Georgia O’Keeffe, codification, colonialism, and depiction but also just a bit of words being wonderful in motion.

It’s gettable through their website or at a whole bunch of Canadian local bookstores!


A book launch, a workshop, a class talk

Spring means a few upcoming public events, all virtual, lined up in a row.

On April 1st, 7-9pm EDT, I’ll be the conversational half of YA author Maya Chhabra’s In Conversation launch for her new, Kirkus-starred verse novel, Chiara in the Dark, hosted by Montreal’s Argo Bookshop. As well as a reading and audience chat, we’ll be talking poetry, editing, and wherever it spirals from there.

On April 13th, I’ll be visiting a first-year Science Fiction and Fantasy class at Framingham State University, which is reading “The Bear Wife” this semester. This one isn’t likely to take interested strangers, but it’s a nice milestone to celebrate.

On May 6th, 12pm-1pm EDT, I’ll be reading at Strong Women, Strange Worlds alongside JF Garrard, Rebecca Gomez Farrell, Jenn Gott, Cerece Rennie Murphy, and Elaine Pascale. It’s six authors, eight minutes each — writer speed dating if you’re looking for a new read.

On July 17th, I’ll be giving a workshop — What Booksellers Wish You Knew About Books — as part of SpecFicNZ’s virtual professional development workshops. This is one of those dream workshops I’ve been cooking up over a space of years, because there’s so much knowledge frontline booksellers have that could make this whole gig a lot easier. It’s accessible to non-members for $10/workshop, as is that whole list of fantastic speakers.

Hope to see you there!